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Wool Wall Insulation

Benefits of Wool Wall Insulation

Wool is nature’s miracle fibre. Individual wool fibres have hollow spaces or, medulla, which decreases thermal conductivity and gives it outstanding insulation performance. The wool fibre has a natural crimp or “springiness” which gives it natural loft and ability to entrap air which makes it the perfect natural insulator. See more benefits of wool insulation here

Our Wool Wall Insulation Range

What is R-Value

The R-Value is the thermal resistance value of the insulation. The higher the R-Value the better it will insulate your home. 
Typically a home with little or no ceiling insulation requires at least an R3.6 in the ceiling. But if you already have some ceiling insulation we offer a R2.0 top up option. 
Feel free to call us and we can help determine what insulation is best for your home.

Contact us about getting a Wool Wall Insulation delivery to your home

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