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Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act mean that insulation has become a requirement for rental properties in New Zealand. Wool Insulation NZ can assist landlords in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Auckland with the process of ensuring that your rental properties are compliant by providing a complete one-stop shop for all insulation requirements.

What the changes mean for your rental property?

Ensuring your rental property is properly insulated is an investment in both the comfort of your property and the future value of your property. A well insulated home significantly reduces maintenance issues associated with cold and damp and makes the property a much safer, healthier, and comfortable environment to live in. A warm comfortable home attracts long-term tenants ensuring you maximize returns on your investment.

What is required and when?

The amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act relating to home insulation state the following:

All residential rental homes in New Zealand will be required to have insulation to keep a home warm in winter and cool in summer. Social housing (where tenants pay an income related rent) must be insulated by 1 July 2016 and all other rental homes by July 2019.
Landlords are required to provide a statement on the tenancy agreement for any new tenancy commencing 1 July 2016 about the location, type and condition of insulation in the rental property. 

Installing conductive foil insulation in residential and rental homes is now banned.

How our Insulation can aid rental properties?

Wool Insulation NZ can help you to ensure that your rental property in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato or Auckland meets these new requirements by providing a one-stop service. 

Our home insulation service for rental properties includes:
A free in-home comfort assessment of your property. 
We will coordinate directly with tenants to ensure we can visit the property at an appropriate time for both assessment and installation. 
If insulation is not up to standard we will provide a quote for the installation of our 100% NZ, wool insulation products. 
Following installation we will provide you with a certificate stating the level of insulation that has been installed. 

Further Information

If you would like to know more about the changes visit the Tenancy Services Website or follow the link below:

Tenancy Services Insulation Information


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